What We Offer

Online Courses

Still don't know where to start with managing you money and how to invest then this Course is for you.

Online Courses

Still don't know where to start with managing you money and how to invest then this Course is for you.

Organize your life and finances


Creating a Financial Plan that suits you.


Creating a Financial Plan that suits you.

It all started when…

It all started when I lost my first real business due to mismanaging cash flow and ego (now that’s a story to tell, but I’ll save it for later). After closing my business, I went to work in the private sector, but my heart wasn’t at ease—I wanted something to call my own. It took me two years to come up with Edge Elements as a concept, and while working in the private sector on a job I enjoyed, I kept it as a side hustle.

Today, I have left the corporate world to focus on Edge Elements and myself. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I believe it is the right step to be mindful in the next chapter of my life.

Organize your life and finances

Edge Elements the concept

The whole concept came to me while I was reading Simon Sinek's books, Start With Why and Find Your Why. The books took me back in time, reminding me of the things that brought me joy effortlessly. For me, the two main things were planning and stationery. I used this insight and incorporated my financial knowledge to create a unique product that I hadn’t seen in the market.

I knew nothing about how to create stationery, so I switched to learning mode and traveled to London to find the best factory for my new product. The other part was addressing the need to prioritize financial organization and include it in our goal-setting process, and this is how Edge Elements came to life.

Edge Elements focuses on three elements: your Life, Finances, and Work. In each element, you go through the process of discovering yourself, figuring out your dreams, and setting a plan to actually do the work needed. It isn’t about setting your yearly goals; it’s about setting your life goals while living the life you want.

Financial Planning - Financial Freedom

Online Course

If you ever wanted to feel free from your job or at least have the financial freedom to take the break you need but you don’t have all your finances figured out. If you want to invest but don’t know where to start this online course is for you.


If you ever felt overwhelmed with all your money issues (in debt - don’t know how to save - don’t know how to invest - don’t know what you want) this one hour consultation will help you talk it through with a Financial Advisor.


Ready to take control of your finances and set yourself up for success? Join us for an intimate, hands-on workshop designed for small group of women who want to master their money with confidence.

Whats New

A Good Failure
Financial Freedom