New edge...

New edge...

Well, these days we are overwhelmed with the number of blogs, Insta blogs, and influencers out there, so I thought a lot before creating this platform. But going back to the reason I created it is to track my own progress in areas I care about ( Life Purpose, Career, Finance, Creativity, Learning, Relationships, and health ) other than that it might take a different route in the future. 

Now writing down goals is proven to be the most effective way to reach them and sharing them with other will keep me motivated to inspire others to reach their own goals and dreams or benefit from my own progress.

Here are my main dreams and goals in Life:

  1. Create my own company to work on something I love.
  2. Have the freedom to travel whenever wherever I want.
  3. Be very close and connected with people I care about.
  4. Empower women to live a better life.
  5. Be more fit and healthy.
  6. Invest and help others invest.

    It might slightly change, it's normal but this is something I've been really interested in for a long time.

    I chose today 27/7/2017 to start posting because 6 years ago it was the day I opened the doors to my own business Boutique Edge (Now is sold) I've learned a lot from that experience which lead me to where I’m today. 

    Sara Al-Tarkait

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